Thursday, July 06, 2006


i'm sure. so far, i've got mixed reactions. first results. omgwthpwn. i got like 5th in a pro-ded mugger class and my score was a neat yet lucky percentage. haha. thats it for chem it is. my prediction was right. if i was lucky'd i'd get an A. i wasnt as lucky. so yea. guess i'm relatively happy in contrast to the hundreds of people unhappy with thier chem marks. lol. pity all the peeps who worked really hard and got low marks. cheer up ppls. there's still the promo's to show your brainpowers! like 3 hours later i was flung rock bottom with my econs marks. looks bad with my chem mark. a curvy grade. loll. cant wait for next week. hopefully can get at least one A to make up for econs.

i keep wondering why whenever i become good at a particular humanities subject i switch to another. History in Sec 1-2. Geography in Sec 3-4. and now Econs in J1-? hopefully can come out of my bloody bad run. bahh.

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